Monthly Supervision for Dietitians

Where dietitians who work in eating and feeding disorders go for supervision that centers around community, growth, inner-knowing, self-reflection and burnout prevention.

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    Lindsay Stenovec

    Registered Dietitian

    Approved Supervisor

    Who am I?

    I am passionate about supporting dietitians so that they feel grounded in their collaborative work with clients, have the capacity to hold space for healing and can maintain a career in eating and feeding disorder care that is sustainable for them.I in San Diego, CA where she runs her group practice Nutrition Instincts, Inc.

    Sustainable Business & Supervision Support

    I enjoy offering supervision to dietitians in individual and group settings and have spent 13+ years working with people experiencing eating disorders, the intersection of disordered eating and pregnancy/postpartum and child feeding challenges. I offer business consultation through the lens of boundaries, leadership, systems, values and personal well-being. I believe repeated cycles of burnout have become a concerning norm in eating disorder care and I hope to do my part to collectively move the field out of burnout and into sustainability.